An Update From Our Friends at 3Sixty

By Jake Norris

Since day-one, 3Sixty has been neighbor-led. We believe that when neighbors are engaged in the writing of their community’s story, we all win: our blocks feel safer, our lives have more purpose, and, over time, our city flourishes in ways that everyone can see.

As summer comes to a close, here are some updates from our neighborhoods, as well as some things to look forward to this fall.

TCW Mural Festival

After a test run last year, we launched our inaugural “Tulip City Walls Mural Festival” this summer! Over the course of our four-day festival, we completed four (4) murals and hosted nearly 2,000 people for several different activities, including a dog parade, a mini-mural chalk contest with CultureWorks, and more. I am amazed by the committee members behind our festival and their commitment to this work. This is a testament to what’s possible when neighbors dream and work together! Thank you, again, to our generous sponsors, volunteers, and artists for making this festival come to life.

Montello Park Grant

In partnership with Great Lakes Urban, 3Sixty has secured a $25,000 grant for our emerging work in Holland’s Montello Park neighborhood! This funding will support the hiring of a part-time Neighborhood Connector to begin organizing and supporting the residents of Montello Park to care for one another and build a living community there in partnership with neighboring congregations, businesses, and other organizations. I am so grateful for 3Sixty’s partner churches in Montello Park (All Saints Holland, Christ Memorial Church, La Casa de Mi Padre, and Real Life Fellowship) who have contributed funding as well as time and energy to make this work viable.


Spring In The Montello Park Neighborhood


Picnics In The Park